Friday, December 19, 2008
The Long Awaited (and somewhat less than satisfying) Part II
Although the Church is still often on the defensive before the world, members of the Church don't dwell on the horrifying past through which their ancestors had to pass. We are aware of the injustices suffered by the Pioneers, both legally and socially, but we understand that historical facts can't inhibit forward motion. What has happend has happened and we can learn from it, but constantly looking backward makes a clear vision toward the future difficult to develop, if not impossible.
With no disrespect to other groups that have been singled out for abuse and molestation by others in society, members of the Church seem to have less animosity, less anger and less of a desire to get even with the aggressors (or more accurately, the posterity of the aggressors) in comparison.
While other groups are stirred up in debate and protest for equality and civil rights, Latter Day Saints are busy doing. The rights of which I speak are the same rights any other citizen of the United States of America has. Whether the rights are perceived or not, they are there. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Emancipation Proclamation, the 13th, 14th, 15th and 19th Amendments, etc., etc. all guarantee individual rights, and in a broad sense collective rights.
It is this Freedom and Liberty, desired by God for all His children across the globe, that the Founding Fathers channeled into this nation--comprised of states united by the principles of self-governance--that allowed for the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in its fullness, for which Latter Day Saints are grateful. Members of the Church, in general, view the country as realists. There are weaknesses in the make up of our local, state and federal governments. Elected officials are men and women with shortcomings. An election has never, and never can, change the character, constitution and nature of an individual. Therefore, every governing body in the nation has as many potential points of failure as it has posts to fill.
All that aside, a free nation, governed by the people enables its citizens to determine for themselves the amount of success each of them will have. Joseph Smith determined to remain faithful to the calling that was bestowed upon him, regardless of how often mobs tarred and feathered him. He had the freedom to back down and save himself, his wife, his family and his friends and followers a large amount of trouble at the hands of people who despised them. But he chose to face the persecution day after day, pressing forward because of his belief and his faith. As did those who followed him.
As the Pioneers faced harsh winters, unwelcoming neighbors, disease and hunger, they could have headed back to the places they were born and lived in comfort and peace. But they chose to move from town to town, in hopes of finding a place they could settle down and live their lives according the dictates and faith of their hearts. Many of them gave the ultimate sacrifice in their attempt to secure their right to practice their religion without persecution.
Subsequent generations have had their own specific trials and difficulties, as each generation that lives on this Earth has and will. But the one thing that has been constant since the late 18th Century (and God willing, will continue to be forever, until Christ makes His triumphant return) is that the United States of America is a country based on Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. She is a beacon to the world. It was the freedom set up by God, through the Founding Fathers, that prepared the way for the Gospel Restoration for which "the Mormons" will always be grateful.
The Church is true and America is the greatest nation on God's green Earth. May we always strive to protect our own freedoms and the freedoms of our fellow Americans. There may be discrimination out there, but 1) it isn't a part or a bi-product of America's founding principles, but of individual choices. And, 2) I choose not to join it or participate in it. I don't want special privileges or made up rights for my demographic or any other, I just demand the liberty to make of my life whatever I can.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Mormonism and America

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This wordsmith is also the same man who wants to meet with terrorist organizations and regimes that harbor them without pre-conditions, giving cowardly terrorist who hide among civilians diplomatic recognition and thus fueling the fire of their efforts. He also claims that keeping your tires adequately inflated would be the equivalent of getting America off foreign oil and that it would greatly and positively impact our efforts at turning back man-made global warming (on which there is no scientific consensus, but plenty of the political variety).
Barack Obama has also voted that if an abortion fails and the child is born, that since the original intent of the mother and the doctor was to terminate the pregnancy, it is legally justifiable to execute the infant. This is that same Chicago politician who said that if his daughters make a mistake and mess up, he doesn't want them punished with a baby.
This is the same genius who was the president of the Harvard Law Review, taught at the University of Chicago's Law School and worked as a community organizer, but never actually authored anything of merit or consequence. His campaign doesn't speak about his 12 years at the law school, but everyone knows that he was a community organizer. To this day, the only evidence of what Barack Obama was about during all of those years is what we know of his associates. He worked for ACORN, a non-profit, "non-partisan" organization that has been found guilty of registering deceased persons, the same individuals multiple times, and fictitious persons to vote (which is why the author joked with a few members of his family that he would vote for Obama, the Obama way: 3 times). He was involved in at least one illegal real estate transaction. His pastor of 20+ years, the one who baptized Obama's daughters, and to whom he donated over $21K, is the famous America-hating, race-baiting Jeremiah Wright. His good friend and neighbor, William Ayers bombed the Pentagon and still defends his actions in doing so. His first choice for an adviser to help him find a running mate was a longtime Democrat supporter, fundraiser, and illegal mortgage holder from Countrywide who stepped aside to avoid additional controversy.
Obama is a man who was elected to the Senate in '04, but by the time his presidential campaign was in full-swing, he had only been in the Senate chambers on 143 days. He never held a committee meeting as a Senator. He has argued that he runs his own campaign--and that doing so gives him all the executive experience he needs to be president.
The list of gaffes, lies, historical re-writes, instances in which he shows he has no knowledge of how government works, logical incongruencies, etc. can go on forever. The bottom line is that this candidate is an embarrassment to the United States of America. He has no character, he is empty, he is a prime example of the bad side of Affirmative Action. He is a fraud. To all those who know about the examples to which this author has alluded and still support him, you are worse than the rest of his supporters who are just simply ignorant of reality. But either way, to all Obama supporters, Here's your sign!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
These people also tend to be liberals. I used to work with a self-proclaimed, Karl Marx adoring socialist. She always used this same garbage that she had learned at Albertson College of Idaho regarding abstinence and also abortion. She asserted that abstinence leads to more STDs and teen pregnancy than not abstaining from sex. On the other issue, she detested people who had abortions and abhorred the idea of abortion all together, but refused to say that it should be banned. She suffers from the John Kerry Abortion Syndrome (JKAS). I will touch on that momentarily.
Back to abstinence. If two mortals choose to have a baby together, and they choose to do so according to natural laws (without test-tubes, petri dishes, other people's samples, etc.), those two individuals must have sex. So, if two people decide that they do not want to have a baby together, the logical way for them to ensure this is to not have sex--or in other words: the practice of abstinence. Following that same logical pattern, no one can have a disease trasmitted to them sexually if they are not sexually involved with someone who has that particular disease.
The difference between teaching abstinence and presenting the more popular sex ed programs is the assumption that children in school have no self control. Abstinence programs teach kids that the only 100% safe option is to abstain from sexual activity and encourages students to do so. Sex ed programs tells elementary, junior and senior high school students that society has no expectations of them. In fact, society expects that kids have no standards, no self-control and no ability to accept responsibility. Sex ed teaches moral failure and provides tools to try to erase the consequences.
Kids today know what sex is and they know what the consequences are. Still, many of them choose to exercise their agency--their personal decision-making tool--to get involved sexually anyway, because of impaired judgment, curiosity, a passionate crush (again, impaired judgment), etc.
The liberals in society will always turn to society first. They look to the community (i.e. the government) to provide for individuals' needs and they put the blame on the community is something negative happens to the individual. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe in individual responsibility. Conservatives realize that people actually do have the right to choose, and that with choices come consequences.
Liberals don't like the idea of consequences because their ideas always fail. They always fail. Why? Because results aren't what liberals use to gauge the successfulness or failure of a policy, but rather how good or how bad the intentions were at the introduction of the policy. Look at the war on poverty. It has been going on since the Johnson administration and very little has changed. Here's a little economics lesson for liberals and democrats. As the average income of citizens increases, so does the poverty line. One of the American Left's main campaign issues will always fail because the objective of "bringing people out of poverty" cannot happen. As more and more people are making more and more money, the definition of poverty will grow in a parallel trend.
I would like to interject one additional free economics lesson for the liberals out there. The American economy is not in a recession. All of the experts continue to be "surprised by the quarterly growth" or "small growth in the economy surprises analysts, hard times still expected by the experts". These people are idiots. If they are experts, how can they be wrong every time a report comes out? Why are they always so surprised? The exact definition of a recession is: two consecutive quarters of negative growth. With all of the bad economic news out there, mixed in with a two-front war on terror, natural disasters, energy shortages caused by our enemies, China's and Russia's military and economic build-ups and the attacks of September 11th, the economy throughout the Bush administration has been extremely resilient. We have not had a recession at any point throughout the entire doom-and-gloom days of the "worst administration ever".
Anyway, back to the topic. I conclude by returning to the JKAS. John Kerry shared his belief that abortion was wrong, but then stated that he refused to force his beliefs on others. Let's dissect this. Abortion is wrong, according to Kerry, but that is only his belief. Does this mean that if he (and other lawmakers) believes that domestic violence is wrong, or that drunk driving is wrong, or that child pornography is wrong, or that honor killings are wrong that he shouldn't speak out against them? If he believes these things, but not enough to stop them, where can a line be drawn?
The socialist I worked with felt the same way. She believes that abortion is murder, but that women have the right to choose. The idea that an abortion is a woman's right makes no more sense than declaring legal a mother's right to murder her children later on in life when times get tough. What difference is there between a mother killing her inconvenient fetus prior to birth and drowning her inconvenient child after birth? None! Either way, the result is the same. One less life to be lived and one less frustration to overcome.
Once again, we see that liberals throw out logic and reason in the name of their grandiose intentions. Their goal in life is to enable anyone to do anything they want without being bound by consequences and personal responsibility. Conservatives believe that freedom is the ability for one to decide for one's self what path to take in life and using the associated consequences as life-building experiences. Liberals, conversely, believe that freedom simply means freedom from consequences. If they can do anything they want without the inhibitions that come as a result of poor decisions, that is freedom. They are like children, actually. Care free and self-absorbed...someone else will always be there to take care of the serious stuff.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Children's Book Writers and Speech Writers
Such a technique has also been known to help adolescent hockey players come from behind to beat their larger, stronger Icelandic rivals.

Common Sense was filled with logical arguments that were substantive and compelling. The publication and proliferation of Paine's pamphlet has rightfully been considered one of the major factors in America declaring her independence from Britain. One of the main justifications for this claim is that the pamphlet was written in a way that stirred the hearts and minds of both the educated and less-than-educated citizens in America.
One of my favorite books ever (besides Common Sense) is George Orwell's 1984. It is eerie and exciting to me. In this book, "the party" has taken over government, which it uses to control the thoughts and actions of its citizenry. Every room has a screen in it that can see and hear everything. Within the government are three ministries: The Ministry of Peace (which wages war), The Ministry of Plenty (which determines the minimal amount of rations to give out to the people) and The Ministry of Truth (which was the Party's propaganda machine).

For years I have heard that Democrats and Socialists alike exercise power over their electorate to ensure dependency, which leads to more power and control for them. I've also heard that they think people are stupid. That has been confirmed tonight. They think that we are idiots. Grown men and women being reduced to the intellectual equivalent of kindergartners and first graders. It sickens me. They really believe that they are superior to anyone else. No wonder Joe Biden chose not to answer a challenging question from a reporter and instead responded with:
I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect! I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my -- in my class, uh, to have a full academic scholarship. And the first year in law school I decided I didn't want to be in law school and ended up in the bottom two-thirds of my class and then decided I wanted to stay, went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. I won the international moot court competition. I was the outstanding student in the political science department at the end of my year. I graduated with three degrees from undergraduate school and 165 credits -- I only needed 123 credits -- and I'd be delighted to sit down and compare my IQ to yours, if you'd like, Frank. (None of which is actually true.)
Later on in that same Q&A session, Biden declared: "It seems to me that if you can speak you're a liability in the Democratic Party anymore." So, tying these things all together, I bring up one more point he made in his speech tonight. He told everyone at that convention that "No one is better than you. You are everyone's equal, and everyone is equal to you." Which sounds like the epitome of America: equality. Put into context with everything else he and his party represent, it sounds a lot more like 1984.

"But today that American dream feels as if it's slowly slipping away. I don't need to tell you that. You feel it every single day in your own lives. I've never seen a time when Washington has watched so many people get knocked down without doing anything to help them get back up."
Again, it's the doom and gloom scenario followed by "Ducks fly together!" Democrats have no faith in Americans or in America. They only have faith in themselves, their agenda and their ability to control your life better than you can. They treat you like you're a child. They speak in nuances. They offer no substance. Their political correctness is the same as newspeak.
After seeing the delegates get so excited about being spoken down to, I worry that if any one of them were to pick up Common Sense they wouldn't be able to get through it without pictures and without rhymes. I hope it isn't too late for them--I know it isn't too late for America!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Setting the Record Straight

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
What is going on with Barack in the Polls?

If you have a minute, please pop over to Real Clear Politics:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
So Many Things I Want to Say...
Last week, I had been reading one of George Washington's speeches (his first annual address to Congress, to be exact) when I came across the following line: "To be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace"1. This is the very theory that Reagan employed to help defeat the Soviet Union--or rather, the Soviet oppression of its people along with its oppression of the people of other nations. Washington's statement also exposes the duplicity of a majority of left-wing politicians and activists at home and abroad. The most effectual means of preserving peace means that a well-trained, well-equipped standing military is a better practical, diplomatic option to ensure peace than any other method.
These liberal politicians and the activists that influence them declare their affection for this country as they belittle it. Revisions of history are common among these groups, and the history they fabricate is that the United States are oppressive, while governments like those in China, Russia, Cuba and Venezuela are progressive, open-minded, and the ideal end of all political development. They are wrong.
Beyond the violent, inexcusable molestation of a sovereign nation, Russia's aggression in Georgia does little more than provide evidence that what most adherents of the ideology of democracy have been saying regarding Russia is true. The leadership at the Kremlin consists of Soviet militants, spies, and enforcers set on regaining complete domination in their region and beyond. To think that all the world needs for peace to reign is diplomacy is the thought of a naive child or a delusional adult. Neville Chamberlain and one of the first Kennedy's our country knew--not the president, but the ambassador--found an up-and-coming German leader to be charming and hospitable after hard talks. That little man went on to use non-sensical "science" to advance an agenda that resulted in the oppression and death of millions of people across the globe--just after Neville Chamberlain made his (in)famous declaration: "Peace in our time!"
Simply sitting down and talking to a leader or regime that is willing to kill civilians, damage private homes and businesses, and/or occupy a region merely because the inhabitants of that region look differently, speak differently or believe differently has never resulted in peace. The Russians need to be dealt with firmly via action, not through ineffective U.N. resolutions. Such resolutions, historically, have been even less effective than diplomatic talks.
When the Cold War ended "without a bullet being fired" it wasn't Reagan's enjoyable chats with Gorbachev that brought the USSR to its knees, but the preparation of our national defense the Soviets couldn't match that got the job done.
As I ponder all that is going on worldwide, it has occurred to me that the same people who want peace, but abhor the best means for preserving it are the people who have it backward on energy. Russia has had an economic resurgence because of the oil they secure domestically. The Middle East, Russia, China and Venezuela are mostly all antagonistic of America and all have uninhibited access to their natural resources, such as oil. The one consistent string tying left-wing individuals and organizations together around the world is their disdain for the ideals of America. They seek power for their ideology by forcing everyone else to the level of the lowest common denominator.
Looking at the world with the lowest common denominator mindset, the US and its allies should be brought down to the same economic and living conditions as third-world nations (i.e. the Kyoto Treaty), conservative principles founded in the ideal of freedom give birth to unilateral arrogance (it is unilateral when more than 20 nations enter Iraq after 12 years of U.N. resolutions failing), but the high-minded Russians entering Georgia is noble, as they are protecting Russian nationals (i.e. Soviets). It also can be seen in such places as the public school system. I will explain that in a later post. I love education, but I don't really care for a system that would rather an advanced student slow down to the pace of a not-so-advanced student--again, the lowest common denominator equals equality.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The American Crisis
--The American Crisis, Thomas Paine
The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot are phrases that provide brilliant imagery. These are the folks who love their country and the freedoms that its constitutional framework provide, but when difficulties arise, they "shrink from the service of their country". Picture the "sunshine patriot". He is what the present day vernacular would refer to as a fair weather fan or a Sunday Christian. As long as the birds are singing with a gentle breeze in the air, these types of individuals love their country. They love the opportunities of upward mobility--until the upward climb brings the slightest sign of a challenge. Once times get tough, the Sunshine Patriot begins to blame his or her own country for the ills and troubles across the globe. As gloom sets in, innumerable instances of good and compassion that their country has done for the international community seems to fade away from their memories. It is quite ridiculous how narrow-minded and forgetful open-minded and informed people can be.
Another great quote from Thomas Paine's The American Crisis talks about the tendencies of people to panic.
'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will sometimes run through a country. All nations and ages have been subject to them. Britain has trembled like an ague at the report of a French fleet of flat-bottomed boats; and in the fourteenth [fifteenth] century the whole English army, after ravaging the kingdom of France, was driven back like men petrified with fear; and this brave exploit was performed by a few broken forces collected and headed by a woman, Joan of Arc. Would that heaven might inspire some Jersey maid to spirit up her countrymen, and save her fair fellow sufferers from ravage and ravishment! Yet panics, in some cases, have their uses; they produce as much good as hurt. Their duration is always short; the mind soon grows through them, and acquires a firmer habit than before. But their peculiar advantage is, that they are the touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which might otherwise have lain forever undiscovered. In fact, they have the same effect on secret traitors, which an imaginary apparition would have upon a private murderer. They sift out the hidden thoughts of man, and hold them up in public to the world.
We have these panics and crises all the time. Oil is through the roof, Islamic radicals are coming to get us, the seas are going to rise and swallow our coastal regions, light bulbs are ruining the environment, etc., etc. There are countless examples of catastrophic events and trends that we hear about each day. This is nothing new. Thomas Paine was writing about this phenomenon in the 1700's. The intellectual minds of our day seem to think that things are different now than they've ever been before. For the first time in Earth's history, the average temperature is fluctuating. This example is only one of the more obvious logical fallacies out there--yet it still has governments, corporations, educators and private citizens in one of these panics.
Just as Thomas Paine desired for a Jersey girl to stimulate the populous to act to protect their liberty and freedom, we too are seeking after such a character. The bad news is that the American people are looking for an image instead of a character. They are putting their faith in a politician to make the right decisions for this country. They are gravely missing the point. They each can and should fill the role of the Jersey Girl. No government is deserving of any one's faith. The presence of government indicates a lack of morals among a nation. If all citizens were fair to one another and protected each others' rights, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, there would be no need for a government. Government is only here to minimize the impact of individuals' vices on their fellow citizens and to protect the nation from outside attacks.
The current presidential election is fairly disappointing as both remaining serious candidates are running on panics. McCain is pushing the Global Warming agenda, which is 10% factual and 90% fluff. Obama, similarly, is running a campaign on very little more than BS. In an hundred speeches, he is yet to make one coherent point that he hasn't had to explain away in subsequent interviews. The "black and white, male and female, gay and straight" nothingness was old the first time he tried it. America is a country of over 300 million people. To imagine that all have the same needs, wants and ideas is beyond naive--it is insane. The panic the Obama is running on is a combination of small fears and fictional stereotypes. Change is only good when it is good change. Change, when it happens to cause economic, political and cultural damage is bad change. Very few people who lived in Central Europe would describe that region's change toward the Soviet style of socialism as good change. Similarly, an American government that is already too big will do very little good by expanding even more.
The type of change that I seek is a return to personal accountability, a nation that is self-sufficient consisting of citizens that are self-sufficient, and true bottom-up governance. Although certain candidates for the U.S. presidency claim that government is most equitable when decisions are made from the ground-level up, the type of change I hope to see is that very idea actually being realized instead of just repeated. Let's all be Joans of Arc or Jersey Girls. Neither Obama nor McCain have the capability of saving this country, or even allowing it to continue on as well as it has. The responsibility and capability lie not in the Executive, nor the Legislative and certainly not in the Judicial branches, but in WE THE PEOPLE.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
I feel like George Costanza...
Now, to the part about George...
I have a lot of interests and dreams, but currently, not one of them strikes me as simple enough to pursue diligently. I have thought about writing on academics, community, politics, wireless internet supplies, non-profit organizations, sports... on everything. My favorite part of that episode of Seinfeld is when George proposes that he become a sportscaster. He mentions it, seriously, and pauses. Jerry, also pausing and somewhat hesitant, suggests that sportscasters tend to be former athletes or they hold a degree in sports broadcasting.
I would now like to invite friends, family and strangers play the role of Jerry by counseling me and pointing me in the right direction. Please feel free to suggest topics, themes, subjects, studies, etc. upon which to base this blog.