I would like to take a minute to stand up and voice my disgust for the intellectually degenerate among us. The individuals to whom I allude should be obvious. Their narrow-minded, my-way-or-the-highway mob mentality is both sickening and worrying. They are so enveloped in their blind faith that reasoned evidence standing in logical opposition to practically all of their views are simply ignored. Facts discredit their dogmatic truths. They are bigots, propagandists and evangelists...evangelists for the demise of America, Freedom and Liberty. The group I have described is known as the American Left.
It is the end of August, Anno Domini Two Thousand Eight. The United States of America stands alone as the beacon of strength for freedom-loving people all around the world. It was the United States' revolutionary success that inspired the French Revolution. The United States' Founding Fathers took the best bits and pieces of antiquity, along with historical, political ideals of self-governance, Liberty and accountability, and assembled them in the most perfect manner. They realized the form of government that the great minds of Aristotle, Locke, Montesquieu and Rousseau could only imagine. And since the birth of this new pillar of light among the nations of the world, America has been led and governed by the best of the best.
Names such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan come to mind as people think of leaders who have inspired the country. Less known presidents also inspired and guided America down the path of ensuring freedom and opportunity for the individual, such as Calvin Coolidge. With his notion of Americans working less for a swelling government and more for themselves and their families, Calvin Coolidge advocated the epitome of equality--equality of opportunity.

The problem today is clear. An overly intrusive federal government has created the entitlement mentality. Politicians, academics and journalists seem to be pushing an agenda that equality of opportunity isn't enough. To be fair, there is a need for equality of outcome. Calvin Coolidge's prescription that we work less for the government's social burdens and more for ourselves requires, first of all, that we work. If effort equals results and results are measured in compensation, then those who put forth less effort will have less compensation. For the weak-minded left, this is unfair. A company needs a custodian as well as a CEO is what most socialists would say. So, there should not be such a large disparity in pay scales.
Speaking of equal opportunity versus equal results and pay scales: Barack Obama is now statistically tied with John McCain in most polls. American journalists today are shocked by this. With the doom and gloom economy, dissatisfaction with the Republicans in office, an unpopular war and countless other issues, left-wing analysts (this includes most journalists) cannot see why Barack Obama isn't ahead by 15-20 points. So in their limited, elitist, narrow-minded, derogatory view of this country and the people that make up its citizenry, the Left immediately assumes that Barack's downfall is the racial tendencies of the American people. The high-minded Left looks at Barack Obama and sees a clean, articulate black man and nothing else. Ironically, they accuse the rest of Americans of the very thing of which they are guilty: not being able to see past the color of the man's skin.

These blind followers in recent days have proposed that Obama's poll numbers are so terrible, because he is black. I propose that black is the only thing he has going for him. To illustrate what I mean, I go to the polls themselves. When no one knew anything about Barack Obama--before he claimed that children are a punishment for promiscuous youth, before he declared that he had been to 57 of the 60 states in America, before he referred to a series of Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor as "the bomb", and before he showed how presumptive and ill informed he is on both foreign and domestic policy--Americans knew he was black. When the color of his skin was all anyone knew, his numbers were considerably higher. Gallup, Zogby, Pew, CBS News/NY Times, Rasmussen, LA Times or any other pollster you look at, you can see an aggregate decline in Obama support. When black was it, he lead by sizable margins. Now that people have seen more and more of Obama and heard more and more of his gaffes, enthusiasm and support are dwindling.
If you have a minute, please pop over to Real Clear Politics:
As you look at the numbers, from about Super Tuesday on, Barack Obama has a significant edge over John McCain. The numbers that the media employ to indict the American people, in all actuality, disprove their sole claim. Americans are not racist, all ethnic groups in America can succeed if they work at it, and Barack Obama's shortcomings cannot logically be blamed on Americans or on society, but on the emptiness of his character--and on that alone. Shame on the professors, journalists and left-wingers in this country. The facts, once again, prove you wrong. Try to grasp this. That would be a change you can believe in!
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