Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I have heard so many people over the past three days talking about the ineffective nature of abstinence that I may lose my mind. People who claim to be sophisticated or smart, who also say that abstinence is inferior to contraception have got to be the most intellectually deficient people on Earth.

These people also tend to be liberals. I used to work with a self-proclaimed, Karl Marx adoring socialist. She always used this same garbage that she had learned at Albertson College of Idaho regarding abstinence and also abortion. She asserted that abstinence leads to more STDs and teen pregnancy than not abstaining from sex. On the other issue, she detested people who had abortions and abhorred the idea of abortion all together, but refused to say that it should be banned. She suffers from the John Kerry Abortion Syndrome (JKAS). I will touch on that momentarily.

Back to abstinence. If two mortals choose to have a baby together, and they choose to do so according to natural laws (without test-tubes, petri dishes, other people's samples, etc.), those two individuals must have sex. So, if two people decide that they do not want to have a baby together, the logical way for them to ensure this is to not have sex--or in other words: the practice of abstinence. Following that same logical pattern, no one can have a disease trasmitted to them sexually if they are not sexually involved with someone who has that particular disease.

The difference between teaching abstinence and presenting the more popular sex ed programs is the assumption that children in school have no self control. Abstinence programs teach kids that the only 100% safe option is to abstain from sexual activity and encourages students to do so. Sex ed programs tells elementary, junior and senior high school students that society has no expectations of them. In fact, society expects that kids have no standards, no self-control and no ability to accept responsibility. Sex ed teaches moral failure and provides tools to try to erase the consequences.

Kids today know what sex is and they know what the consequences are. Still, many of them choose to exercise their agency--their personal decision-making tool--to get involved sexually anyway, because of impaired judgment, curiosity, a passionate crush (again, impaired judgment), etc.

The liberals in society will always turn to society first. They look to the community (i.e. the government) to provide for individuals' needs and they put the blame on the community is something negative happens to the individual. Conservatives, on the other hand, believe in individual responsibility. Conservatives realize that people actually do have the right to choose, and that with choices come consequences.

Liberals don't like the idea of consequences because their ideas always fail. They always fail. Why? Because results aren't what liberals use to gauge the successfulness or failure of a policy, but rather how good or how bad the intentions were at the introduction of the policy. Look at the war on poverty. It has been going on since the Johnson administration and very little has changed. Here's a little economics lesson for liberals and democrats. As the average income of citizens increases, so does the poverty line. One of the American Left's main campaign issues will always fail because the objective of "bringing people out of poverty" cannot happen. As more and more people are making more and more money, the definition of poverty will grow in a parallel trend.

I would like to interject one additional free economics lesson for the liberals out there. The American economy is not in a recession. All of the experts continue to be "surprised by the quarterly growth" or "small growth in the economy surprises analysts, hard times still expected by the experts". These people are idiots. If they are experts, how can they be wrong every time a report comes out? Why are they always so surprised? The exact definition of a recession is: two consecutive quarters of negative growth. With all of the bad economic news out there, mixed in with a two-front war on terror, natural disasters, energy shortages caused by our enemies, China's and Russia's military and economic build-ups and the attacks of September 11th, the economy throughout the Bush administration has been extremely resilient. We have not had a recession at any point throughout the entire doom-and-gloom days of the "worst administration ever".

Anyway, back to the topic. I conclude by returning to the JKAS. John Kerry shared his belief that abortion was wrong, but then stated that he refused to force his beliefs on others. Let's dissect this. Abortion is wrong, according to Kerry, but that is only his belief. Does this mean that if he (and other lawmakers) believes that domestic violence is wrong, or that drunk driving is wrong, or that child pornography is wrong, or that honor killings are wrong that he shouldn't speak out against them? If he believes these things, but not enough to stop them, where can a line be drawn?

The socialist I worked with felt the same way. She believes that abortion is murder, but that women have the right to choose. The idea that an abortion is a woman's right makes no more sense than declaring legal a mother's right to murder her children later on in life when times get tough. What difference is there between a mother killing her inconvenient fetus prior to birth and drowning her inconvenient child after birth? None! Either way, the result is the same. One less life to be lived and one less frustration to overcome.

Once again, we see that liberals throw out logic and reason in the name of their grandiose intentions. Their goal in life is to enable anyone to do anything they want without being bound by consequences and personal responsibility. Conservatives believe that freedom is the ability for one to decide for one's self what path to take in life and using the associated consequences as life-building experiences. Liberals, conversely, believe that freedom simply means freedom from consequences. If they can do anything they want without the inhibitions that come as a result of poor decisions, that is freedom. They are like children, actually. Care free and self-absorbed...someone else will always be there to take care of the serious stuff.


Anonymous said...

Wait... I respect that you have opinions you want to express via your blog. But why do you bash a respected educational institution? And how do you know that your co-worker learned these opposing views at the College of Idaho (formerly Albertson College of Idaho)? I suspect your belief system opposses being so "mean". Please stick to what you know about... you're much better at that and come off as much less uneducated/negative.

Pfahim said...

To anonymous: I appreciate your opinions, as well. However, I also reject your assessment. The former co-worker of mine is a terrific person and she knows I feel that way about her. When you say I come off as uneducated, is that in reference to the post as a whole, or just the part that talks about the College of Idaho? If it is to the whole post, my response is: to suggest that promoting abstinence is a sign of being uneducated is an indication of being un-smart.

The only time abstinence fails is when it is not practiced. Abstinence works 100% of the time that it's used, whereas contraception is only about 99.9% effective.

If I came off sounding "mean", I apologize, that was not my intention. It was late, I was tired... and I didn't even proof-read.

Please point out any logical fallacies you found in this post and I will either clarify or edit.

Further, if your comment about me being uneducate/negative is only about the name of the institution, I know it changed, but I've always only known it as Albertson. I did not bash Albertson in this post. It is an institution of higher learning like any other in this country. It just happens to be the one my former co-worker attended and enthusiastically supported. Whether the former co-worker learned everything at the C of I or elsewhere is irrelevant.

The relevant argument in this post is that in order to be a true leftist today, whether the individual realizes it or not, one must disassociate consequences from one's deeds. Intention supersedes results. This is the point I am making here.

I'd be interested in your feedback. This is a point I'd like to discuss with those who hold views that differ from mine.

Pyper Nicholes said...

Dear Anonymous~ I don't know how you could say that any of this blog sounded uneducated. "People who say that abstinence is inferior to contraception...". That is a ridiculous statement. Doesn't it say on all of the boxes that the product works 99.9% of the time, so obviously there is that .1% of a chance; there's not that in abstaining. It's 100% fool proof.

In regards to Albertson College of Idaho and College of Idaho, I think someone is wearing their Gold & Black a little too close to home.


I totally agree that the Lefts of America play the blame game. Abstinence is a choice and there are always going to be consequences.

Also, advertising GARDASIL, towards the youth of the nation. It is a great vaccine for women, but the way they advertise is aimed at young women, with the mentality that they're going to have sex, so they must be vaccinated, to save them from human papilloma virus. Or they could just abstain. It's a choice!